
  • Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research (MIROR) Journal
    Vol 3 No 1 (2023)

    Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research Journal (MIROR) Vol 3, No 1 is an issue disucssing the research analysis of CTDI and DLP values of CT-Scan Abdomen in a Hospital, the discussion of image quality differences of MRI Image using different coil and various contrast of tea, and a pocedural description of radiography examination of post-ORIF.

  • Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research Journal
    Vol 2 No 2 (2022)

    Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research Journal (MIROR) Vol 2, No 2 is an issue disucssing the topic of medical imaging procedure and imaging processing using image process algorthm. The specific topic in this issue are the application of adaptive statistical itterative recon on Image improvment and dose of CT-Scan Chest, Comparison of MRA Renal Anatomic using various parameters in RSUD Arifin Achmad, the case study of orbital MRI with contrast agent in Retinoblastoma, The radiation measurment of patient's famiily during x-ray examination,  and the radiographic procedure of lumbal vertebra of LBP in Purwokerto Hospital. 

  • Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research Journal
    Vol 2 No 1 (2022)

    Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research Journal (MIROR) Vol 2, No 1 is an issue discussing the topics about radiation protection and medical imaging especially rx-ray radiography. This issu contain the X-ray machine scattered radiation analysis in Hospital, Workload analysis of radiology technologst in Hospital using WISN, Lumbasacral examination procedure in Pandang Arang Hospital, the Overview of Radiation safety management in a Hospital, and Appendicogram in Arifin Achmad RIau Province General Hospital. 

  • Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research (MIROR) Journal
    Vol 1 No 1 (2021)

    Medical Imaging and Radiation Protection Research Journal (MIROR) Edisi Vol 1, No 1 is an issue discussing the topic of General Quality Assurances iof Collimator Beam Allignment and Collimator Area, Compariosn of several vertebrae cervical angular projection radiograph, Radiography protocols of Obstructive Ileus in ER with LLD projection, and the differences level of Vitamin C consumption before and during COVID-19 in Radiology Technology Student Group.