Author Guidelines
Article Outline
Article Framework consists of:
1. Introduction,
2. Method,
3. Results and Discussion,
4. Conclusion,
5. Suggestions
Thank-you note
The number of pages in articles in this journal is at least 8 pages. Every article published in the Journal of STIKes Awal Bros Pekanbaru (JSABP) must comply with the standard rules according to this guide which refers to the journal published by Elsevier ( Journal writing templates can be downloaded on the website.
Research Title
The title must be concise and informative, describing the results of the study and the variables, and the relationship between these variables can be seen in the title. The title of the article should be at most 12 words.
Abstract written in English, contains a brief description of the importance of the research, research objectives, methodology, main results and conclusions. Abstract contains a summary of the article and contains the main ideas that make the reader interested and interested in reading it (eye catching). Under the abstract paragraph listed Keywords (keywords) a maximum of 6 keywords. Keywords that are written must be specific and are often used in articles. Keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
This section contains the background, research rationale, problem formulation, statement of purpose, and organization of the writing as well as some relevant theories. The writing does not use sub-headings.
This section contains the steps of researchers in conducting research, presented in full but solid. When collecting data, it is necessary to explain from the sampling method to the analysis technique.
Results and Discussion
The results and discussion are expressed in a concise and clear manner the scientific framework obtained is not a row of data tables or figures.
This section is the closing of the article. Conclusions are written without numbers, and are presented in paragraph form. The implications and limitations of the study are also presented in paragraph form.
Thank-you note
If necessary, a thank you letter can be written which is a form of appreciation for contributions from individuals and institutions who cannot enter as writers. For example, research funders associated with this publication.
All citations and references used by the author must be presented in this section in a manner consistent with the text, figure or table cited. The bibliography is written in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the author's name. The authors are referenced according to the given bibliography. Examples of writing are given in the Writing Guidelines for JSABP.
Library Writing Format
Journal article: (Times New Roman, 12, Space 1.15)
Anderson,S.D., 1992. Project quality and project managers. International Journal of Project Management 10 (3), 138–144.
Benner, M.J., Tushman, M.L., 2003. Exploitation, exploration, and process management: the productivity dilemma revisited.AcademyofManagementReview 28 (2), 238–256.
Book :
Christensen, C.M., 1998. The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail.HarvardBusinessSchoolPress,Boston,MA.
Deming, W.E., 1986. Out of Crisis.MITCenterfor Advanced Engineering Study,Cambridge,MA.
Compilation Book (edited book)
Duncan, R.B., 1976. The ambidextrous organization: designing dual structures for innovation. In: Kilmann, R.H., Pondy, L.R., Slevin, D. (Eds.), The Management of Organization, vol. 1.North-Holland,New York, NY, 167–188.
Seminar Proceedings:
Clare, L., Pottie, G., Agre, J., 1999. Self-organizing distributed sensor networks, Proceedings SPIE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, vol. 3713,Orlando,April 8, 229–237.
Heinzelman, W., 2000. Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge.
Honeycutt, H., 2011. Communication and Design Course, 1998. Website:, diakses tanggal 3 Maret.